Asthma in the Coachella Valley
Over the last few months, I have been honored to participate in planning the Desert Health Care District's first Healthy Desert - Healthy You Summit. This first summit concentrates on Environmental Health. The summit is [...]
Proposed Chuckwalla National Monument – Habitat Conservation Continues in the Valley
Last Wednesday was a treat. The effervescent Karin Jaffie, from Friends of the Desert Mountains, gave a lively and informative presentation for our monthly Morning Insights gathering. On the second Wednesday of every month, valley [...]
Untapped Opportunities in the Coachella Valley – Wealthy Residents 55 and older
The Coachella Valley is not a stereotypically "classic" region for regional economic development. We don't have one powerhouse major city that anchors the region. For instance, despite being about the same population size as the [...]
How do Coachella Valley Business Sectors Rank by Total Annual Sales?
Today's Data Digest is the last of a three-part series. This series has explored rankings of business sectors in the Coachella Valley. We've ranked them by total number of businesses. We've ranked them by total [...]
How do Coachella Valley Business Sectors Rank by Total Employees?
Last time we looked at valley business sector rankings by total number of businesses. Now we change the focus to employment. How do valley business sectors (by NAICS code) rank if we look at their [...]
Number of Businesses – Proportions in the Coachella Valley
As we prepare for our annual Economic Summit this November, we are starting to dig through lots of interesting demographic, economic, and business data. Today we present data about the total number of businesses by [...]