Investor Benefits

As an investor, you are directly impacting Greater Palm Springs’ future economic growth. You are also positioning your brand prominently among the region’s top business and community leaders.

Events, Networking, and Engagement 

Small Business Forums and Workshops
Attend events where critical and emerging aspects of our economy are presented and discussed. These events are educational and offer networking opportunities.

Committees and Initiatives
Engage in committees, subcommittees, roundtables, and initiatives that assist in growing the economy of the region.

Greater Palm Springs Annual Economic Summit
Receive acknowledgement as an investor at the premier business event of the year. This event reveals the annual economic report and forecast, and showcases our region’s business attraction strategies and goals for Greater Palm Springs. Sponsorship opportunities and attendance is offered at a reduced rate to investors.

Event Sponsorships
Receive early notification and opportunities to sponsor or be involved in our special events before the event is publicly announced.

Receive invitations to behind-the-scenes tours of cutting edge companies.

Private Presentations
Members of our team are available to speak at your events, staff meetings, and leadership retreats on a variety of economic and business development topics.


Investor Announcements
Receive advanced notifications of major economic development announcements and other initiatives in our region.

Reports and Publications
Stay up to date with Greater Palm Springs’ latest statistical analyses through the organization’s various reports and publications.

Bi-Weekly e-Newsletter 
Receive our bi-weekly e-Newsletter, a summary of significant news and articles important to economic growth in the region.

Online Job Board
Access the organization’s Job Board (coming in 2021), featuring contract and employment opportunities available within the region.

Brand Recognition 

Online Investor Directory
Receive a listing in our online Investor Directory that provides a company profile, contact information, and a link to your company website.

Online Advertising
Receive advertising space on our website.

Online Blog Investor Spotlight
Be featured in the “Investor Spotlight” of our blog.

Online Blog Article
Author one post annually in our blog.

Social Media Acknowledgement
Receive acknowledgement as an investor on social media channels as a thank you for supporting the organization.

Speaking/Interview Opportunities
Be invited to speak at select events, and/or be considered for select interviews.

e-Newsletter Recognition
Receive recognition as a new and renewing investor in our e-Newsletter, distributed to our database of more than 5,000 community leaders and decision-makers.

Publication Print and Online Advertising
Receive advertising space in our select business publications, which are also available online.

Get Involved

Investing partners of CVEP have an interest in shaping our economy.

They gain valuable business leads and market data while networking with the region’s top business and civic leaders. CVEP sends each lead it generates directly to investing partners. CVEP also avails partners to economic data available and evaluates legislative issues that impact our region’s businesses and acts on their behalf.

Find out more about CVEP’s current Investors here.

Click below to view or download more information on investing in CVEP – and in Greater Palm Springs: