Announcing the Inaugural CVEP Economic Development Week Award Winners
The Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP) celebrated Economic Development Week from May 9-15, 2021. Adding to the celebration this year, CVEP's inaugural Economic Development Week Awards recognize local individuals, companies, and organizations for their significant [...]
The Coachella Valley: Our Own Unique Economy
In an earlier blog, I discussed how the Coachella Valley is subsumed by the Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). Recently we teased the idea of succeeding and creating our own MSA, an idea that [...]
Teens and Grads Can Help Solve the Worker Shortage
In the summer of 1973, I was hired as a teenager into my first real job with a paycheck. That job at Jimmy’s Drive Inn in Sturgis, Kentucky paid a whopping 75 cents per hour [...]
Observations From the Road: What My 5-year Doctoral Journey has Taught Me About the Coachella Valley Economy
In the summer of 2016, I began my doctoral-level academic journey. My destination was to more deeply understand the Coachella Valley economy. I wanted to determine what ailed our region and identify the steps we [...]
Broadband Internet Availability in the Coachella Valley
Advocating for fundamental infrastructure to support and enhance entrepreneurship is a primary function of regional economic development. Access to high-speed, broadband internet is increasingly becoming an essential infrastructure. As more and more commerce, communication, education, [...]
The Importance of Regional Economic Development for the Coachella Valley
This week we celebrate Economic Development Week. Since 2016, the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) has emphasized the importance of economic development during a week in May: this year, from May 9-15. The ideals celebrated [...]