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Who We Are
We are CVEP – the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership – and our mission is to incite vision-driven transformation in the Greater Palm Springs region.
Established in 1994, CVEP has emerged as a vital innovator of regional business development initiatives. The partnership promotes a diversified, year-round economy by facilitating programs that stimulate job creation in key industries through business attraction, retention and expansion.
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Justine Musk (Elon’s first wife) on “What it Takes to Be a Billionaire”
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Insight: Public Relations for Small Business
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CVEP’s CEO Joe Wallace Publishes Book “Living Outside the Box”
Exciting news at CVEP: CEO Joe Wallace was notified on [...]
“Greater Palm Springs is a great place to do business. This is the portal to 25 million consumers in Southern California and ports serving the Pacific Rim, offering a combination of quality of life and a friendly, supportive business environment that you cannot find in a metro area.”
– Joe Wallace, CEO, CVEP
“Greater Palm Springs is a great place to do business. This is the portal to 25 million consumers in Southern California and ports serving the Pacific Rim, offering a combination of quality of life and a friendly, supportive business environment that you cannot find in a metro area.”
– Joe Wallace, CEO, CVEP