How do Coachella Valley Business Sectors Rank by Total Employees?
Last time we looked at valley business sector rankings by total number of businesses. Now we change the focus to employment. How do valley business sectors (by NAICS code) rank if we look at their [...]
Number of Businesses – Proportions in the Coachella Valley
As we prepare for our annual Economic Summit this November, we are starting to dig through lots of interesting demographic, economic, and business data. Today we present data about the total number of businesses by [...]
Our Feelings about the Economy
As stated in my bio, I do listen to many, many podcasts. One of my favorites is the New York Time's Ezra Klein Show. His latest episode was "The Economic Theory That Explains Why Americans [...]
A jumble of jurisdiction boundaries in the Coachella Valley – Democracy at work
In case you haven't noticed, it is a pivotal election year. Whether we like it or not, this is our democracy in progress. While the nation is fixated on the national race I'm reminded of [...]
Households and Housing Affordability in the Coachella Valley
We're back to another interactive map for today's Data Digest. Like the previous Household Income Comparisons map, this map allows you to explore 5 different map layers. These layers follow a theme of average household [...]
Who has a High School Diploma, or higher, in the Coachella Valley?
Several of CVEP's team members often work remotely. I really like the people I work with, and sometimes I miss our all-hands impromptu discussions around the copier. Often, a topic would come up, or a [...]