Dining Out in the Coachella Valley – Fast Food or Fine Dining?
We don't want to get too esoteric or specialized for most Data Digests. There are no maps about the average consumption of organic hotdogs per household here (although we would be happy to share the [...]
Climate Resiliency in the Coachella Valley
Inevitably, CVEP has seen its fair share of climate change conversations. But despite differences of opinions or passions, discussions often turn to "what should we do about potential consequences?" A word repeated often is resilience. [...]
Broadband Internet Access in the Coachella Valley
We had so much fun creating interactive content for the last Data Digest that we decided to do it again. Today we present an interactive map showing broadband internet availability in the Coachella Valley. CVEP [...]
Check out our first Interactive Web Map – Annual Household Income Comparisons for the Coachella Valley
For today's Data Digest, we are shaking things up a bit. Prepare to get interactive! Instead of a static map and commentary, today we present to you an interactive web map application. This web map [...]
Optimizing Locations – The Power of GIS
At CVEP, we support our iHub clients with customized data to help their businesses grow. In addition, we have worked with many potential businesses contemplating locating in the Coachella Valley. Not knowing our market completely, [...]
Neighborhood Mobility Areas in the Coachella Valley
My role at the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership is rather unique. You don’t see many Geographic Information Specialists (GIS) employed by economic development agencies in regions of our size let alone a Director of Analytic [...]